Bioplasgen® No. 21


Bioplasgen 21 tablets are effective homeopathic medicine for teething babies. It is trustable and used by babies during the teething process. It helps children vexed by supplying all the salts needed to make teeth cutting quick, easy, and pain-free.


Bioplasgen 21 tablets are effective homeopathic medicine for teething babies. It is trustable and used by babies during the teething process. It helps children vexed by supplying all the salts needed to make teeth cutting quick, easy, and pain-free.


Bioplasgen 21 ingredients contains: Calcium phosphoricum 3X 50 mg; Ferrum phosphoricum 3X 50 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 104 mg


During teething, children become irritable and cry obstinately and are unable to explain these experiences. Bioplasgen tablet 21 for teething is very effective in handling these troubles thanks to its composition of Biocombination Salts.

Bioplasgen 21 uses traditionally as a supportive treatment for baby teething problems. Children cry, and are obstinate and naughty during the teething period. These tablets allow infants to cut teeth quickly and easily by supplying them with important salts. Improves appetite and promotes digestion.

Dosage/ Uses

Bioplasgen No. 21 tablets dosage for teething Babies & Children: Unless otherwise prescribed, children should receive no more than 1-2 tablets four times a day at 3-hourly intervals.

Take the tablets half an hour before or after meals, and preferably allow them to dissolve slowly in the mouth.

As soon as an improvement is felt, reduce the frequency of use.

Side Effects

No side effects of Bioplasgen® No. 21 are known to date.

Please note: Existing complaints may temporarily increase the teething pain when homeopathic medicines are taken due to initial aggravation. In such cases, a doctor should be consulted, and the medication discontinued if necessary.