Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan Ptk. 22


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Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan Ptk 22 tablets are proven homeopathic tablets for the treatment of meteorism (flatulency) and stomach ache. At times new born babies can manifest abnormal pains due to gaseous abdominal cloics which may lead to child crying and contracting legs / abdominal muscles.


Ptk 22 is a combination of several homeopathic herbs ingredients include: Carbo vegetabilis 3X 25mg; Asa foetida 3X 25mg; Lycopodium 5X 25mg; Nux vomica 5X 25mg; Excipients Q.S. to 259 mg per tablet.


Traditionally Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan Ptk 22 used for the treatment of meteorism (flatulency).

Meteorism also called tympanites, is a symptom that refers to a swollen abdomen.

It is produced by the increase in the quantity of stomach gas, applying more pressure than normal inside the digestive system, triggering several discomforts.

This particularly results in more or less forceful pain and flatulence to remove the formed gas especially in babies and young adults.

*Do not self-medicate. Please consult your physician.

Dosage/ Uses

Adults: Unless otherwise prescribed, adults should take 1 tablet of Schwabe Carbo vegetabilis 3-4 times a day.

Children: Unless otherwise prescribed, children should be given no more than 1 to 2 tablets in a day.

Take the Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan tablets half an hour before or after meals, and preferably allow them to dissolve slowly in the mouth. As soon as the improvement is felt, reduce the frequency of use.

Side Effects:

No side effects of Carbo vegetabilis Pentarkan ® Ptk. 22 are known to date.

Please note: Existing complaints may temporarily increase when homeopathic medicines are taken due to initial aggravation. In such cases, a doctor should be consulted and the medication discontinued if necessary.

Warning: This medicine contains lactose and wheat starch. Pregnant / Breastfeeding women should only use after consultation with your Homoeo consultant.