Qurs Baiza Murgh


Qurs Baiza Murgh is useful in diabetes, polyuria (excessive urination), and bedwetting. Excessive levels of sugar in the blood can cause polyuria problems. Normally, when your kidneys produce urine, they reabsorb all of the sugar and direct it back to the bloodstream. Controls excessive micturition by improving kidney functioning. With type-1 diabetes, excess glucose ends up in the urine, where it pulls more water and results in more urine. It is helpful to control diabetes.

Qurs Baiza Murgh is a product of Dawakhana Hakim Ajmal Khan manufactured with all-natural herbal ingredients. It helps reduces the excessive flow of urine and subside it to normal levels.  Additionally, it strengthens the functionality of the bladder. It also helps in eliminating bladder weakness. Some studies also suggest the efficacy of Qurs Baiza Murgh for restoring calcium deficiency.


  • Good for polyuria (excessive urination)
  • Reduces bedwetting
  • Reduces the amount of urine
  • Strengthens bladder functionality
  • Provides strength to the bladder


Take one tablet with 5g of Jawarish Zaruni two times a day or as directed by the physician


  • Keep the medicine out of children’s reach.
  • Consult with a physician first. Self-medication is not recommended.


Kushta Baiza Murgh

Packing Size:

  • 20tabs

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