Qurs Naqra Murakkab


Qurs Naqra Murakkab is manufactured in accordance with the formula arranged by Hakim Hafiz Ajmal Khan. The ingredients of Qurs Naqra Murakkab provide energy to the mind, nerves & improve eyesight. It’s a well known cephalic tonic & cardiac stimulant. Qurs Naqra Murakkab is an excellent brain tonic. Also provides energy to the mind and nerves.

It provides relief from diseases like a headache, cerebral debility, dizziness, amnesia, mania or melancholia. It protects the body from common flu and cold. It strengthens memory power and improves eyesight. It is useful herbal remedy for people who are engaged in mental work.


  • Strengthens Memory Power
  • Removes mental exhaustion
  • Brain Fatigue
  • Improves Eyesight
  • Effective in common flu and cold
  • Useful for those engaged in Mental Work


One tablet with warm milk before breakfast or with half teaspoon of Khamira Gaozaban Ambri Jawahar for at least one month or as directed by the physician


  • Keep the medicine out of children’s reach.
  • Consult with a physician first. Self-medication is not recommended.


Behman Safed (Centaurea Behen)

Packing Size:

  • 20tabs

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